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Body, Mind & Spirit / New Thought > Dawn of the Akashic Age

Dawn of the Akashic Age: New Consciousness, Quantum Resonance, and the Future of the World

By Ervin Laszlo, Kingsley L Dennis

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Publish Date

May 23, 2013


Body, Mind & Spirit / Prophecy
Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth


A preview of the post-mechanistic, holistic world in 2020 and 2030 as well as a map of the obstacles we must overcome to get there

• Reveals how the youngest generation is seeding the shift in consciousness

• Explains how society will be reorganized into grassroots networks like those revealed by quantum physics and experienced through social media

• With contributions from futurist John L. Petersen, ex-CEO of Sanyo Tomoya Nonaka, media activist Duane Elgin, and other visionaries

The world is changing. The transition from the mechanistic worldview to one that recognizes the interconnectedness of all life is upon us. It is the dawning of the Akashic Age. The Akashic field that connects the universe is now recognized by cutting-edge science. What we know about communication, energy, and consciousness is rapidly evolving in tandem with the new quantum worldview. Many adults are consciously evolving to meet the transitional challenges at hand, while today’s youth have arrived already hard-wired with the new consciousness. Rising from the ashes of the old systems, this Phoenix generation of radical change agents is seeding our evolution and spiritual transformation, a process that will continue over the next few decades.

Authors Ervin Laszlo and Kingsley Dennis look at the chief engine of the coming changes--the growing global understanding of nonlocality--and the development of practical applications for it. They examine how the new values and new consciousness taking hold will reorganize society from top-down hierarchies into grassroots networks like those revealed through quantum physics’ understanding of energy and information waves and experienced daily by millions through social media.

With contributions from visionary thinkers such as futurist John L. Petersen, ex-CEO of Sanyo Tomoya Nonaka, media activist Duane Elgin, systems scientist Alexander Laszlo, and spiritual economist Charles Eisenstein, this book explores the future of education, spirituality, the media, economics, food, and planetary citizenship as well as the expansion of consciousness necessary to reach that future.
Ervin Laszlo is chancellor of Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University and the founder and president of the Club of Budapest. The author of 89 books, he lives in Pisa, Italy. Kingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D., is a sociologist, writer, and a cofounder of WorldShift International. The author of several books, including New Consciousness for a New World, he spends his time between Andalusia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

ISBN: 9781620551042
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
Published: May 23, 2013

“Dawn of the Akashic Age is full of riveting ideas about the great evolutionary leap now facing humanity, but that is not what distinguishes this book. It is the masterful orchestration of leading-edge thinking into full symphonic resonance that sets it apart as a classic. It defines a new pinnacle of coherence in mapping our utter transformation as an evolved planetary species.”“In this remarkable book Laszlo and Dennis have done nothing less than draw the blueprint for a planetary society. The Akashic Age is the logical successor to both the Industrial Revolution and the Information Era, because it is based on a paradigm of connectedness not separation, of sustainability not exploitation, and of transformation not inertia. It serves as a healthy antidote to the doom and gloom found in most other books about humankind’s future and warns that a positive transition and a better world will require deliberate effort, conscious deliberation, and hard work. Given the alternatives, readers of Dawn of the Akashic Age may decide that the required love and labor will be worth it.”“It’s refreshing to read about efforts to revive old-fashioned homesteading skills alongside praise for technological advances like social networking and crowd sourcing. Several guest contributors—including biodynamic entrepreneur Marco Roveda, leadership expert Jefferson Cann and activist/author Charles Eisenstein—round out this idealistic manifesto with expertise on a variety of subjects.”“In this book the writers go beyond this connected consciousness to the connection of all people in the world in their values, beliefs and actions. The dawn of this akashic age is seen all around us, in the Occupy Movement and locally in our sustainability, farmers markets and cooperative actions. To bring this new world to fruition we each need to be involved and play our diverse parts. Laszlo and Dennis’s vision provides us with great hope and direction.”“Let it be said that a book has now been written about our future, a book that we ignore at our peril. This inspiring book is the alarm clock that can stir us from our slumber.”