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Body, Mind & Spirit / Goddess Worship > The Power of Shakti

The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman

By Padma Aon Prakasha

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Publish Date

July 24, 2009


Self-help / Spiritual
Self-help / Personal Growth


Transformational wisdom designed for both women and men to access and enhance the inner power of the Divine

• Reveals how to activate your sacred sexual self and find your soul mission

• Shows how to access the wisdom of the Galactic Center

• Explains why men need the Shakti Circuit to connect with the Divine Masculine

Shakti is the Divine life force that ceaselessly manifests, creates, and activates. Igniting this living power within is the key for both men and women to transform themselves and attain union, harmony, and peace. The fluid intelligence of Shakti enflames, empowers, and awakens, igniting life force, joy, and organic wisdom within.

Uniting the forms of Tantra Yoga found in Indian, Tibetan, and Aramaic sacred traditions, Padma Aon Prakasha reveals how to activate the power of Shakti by opening the 18 energetic pathways of the Shakti Circuit. The Circuit begins with galactic energy entering the body at the Alta Major chakra, located at the back of the head. Traveling down the pillar of the spine through the root chakra, the Circuit passes through the Seven Gates of the Womb-Grail to link the sacred sexual center and the heart center. From the heart, the energy completes the Circuit by traveling to the third eye and back to the Alta Major starting point to reveal the All-seeing eye.

Centered on the womb in women and the hara in men, the Shakti Circuit links the soul, body-mind, emotions, and chakras to the power and loving wisdom of the Galactic Center. The Power of Shakti includes the insights and experiences of both men and women as they activate the power of Shakti and shows that clearing all 18 pathways of the Shakti Circuit enables us to activate our sacred sexual self and find our soul mission.
Padma Aon Prakasha, a child prodigy who read the Bhagavad Gita at age 4 and the Koran and Bible by age 7, is an Initiate in Saivite Tantra, the Sama Veda, and the Tibetan Buddhist Lineage of Tsongkhapa and Maitreya. He teaches worldwide and has led initiatory pilgrimages to sacred sites in 15 countries since 1998. He lives in London.

ISBN: 9781594773167
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
Published: July 24, 2009

“A new generation of evolutionary guides is emerging. I recommend Padma Prakasha as a genuine spiritual coach who can help to transmute what stands in the way of your awakening. His work holds the light and power of change and deep transformation, a sort of ‘cosmic’ readjustment that speeds up a person’s evolutionary process.”“An excellent sourcebook for both women and men, every page of The Power of Shakti provides new insight into the rich, vibrant energy of the Divine Feminine. It offers a profound pathway to understanding the power and potency of this essential feminine current as it flows through the sacred temple of the physical body, linking us to the Galactic Center. In these shifting times of planetary transformation, this book assists us in rediscovering our intimate connection to nature, the earth, and the cosmos.”“The Power of Shakti is revolutionary and is bound to open the gates that have kept us from our true power as both men and women. It taps in to the heart of the ancient mysteries and articulates their modernday message to we humans. Reading this material or attending Padma Prakasha’s seminars will rock your world.”“The Power of Shakti will revitalize your life by revealing the patterns of energy that flow between the physical body and the galactic universe. Equally esoteric and practical, it offers illuminating insight into holistic health through scholarly understanding of the body’s dynamic light field. The author’s profound integrity, knowledge, and experience enrich every page. This is not an ordinary book; it is unique, provocative, and fresh.”" . . . it's women who will find this most powerful, and new age collections that will benefit from its wisdom and spiritual teachings."