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History / Ancient > The End of Eden

The End of Eden: The Comet That Changed Civilization

By Graham Phillips

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Publish Date

May 29, 2007


History / Civilization
Body, Mind & Spirit / Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge


Presents compelling evidence that civilizations worldwide became warlike and monotheistic after Earth passed through the tail of a comet in 1500 B.C.

• Explores the violent effect of debris from comet 12P/Pons-Brooks on peaceful cultures such as the Olmec of Mexico and the Megalithic people who built Stonehenge

• Shows how this comet’s appearance was taken as a significant religious event that still has repercussions today

In the year 2024, the comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is due to pass near Earth again for the first time in 3,500 years. In 1500 B.C., Earth passed through this comet’s tail, and in the decade following, cultures the world over began to exhibit significant aggressive tendencies. Civilizations in India, the Middle East, China, Japan, Europe, and Central America suddenly abandoned their peaceful ways and devoted themselves with uncharacteristic fervor to making war on their neighbors and fighting among themselves.

But this was not the only effect that is linked to this celestial event. Sudden outbreaks of monotheism--the worship of a single god, and a new idea at the time--occurred simultaneously in locales spread widely throughout the world. Most of these monotheistic religions represented their god symbolically as a circle with a series of lines extending below--resembling a simple drawing of a comet.

In The End of Eden, Graham Phillips chronicles the sudden shifts in social demeanor and religious philosophy that swept the world in the wake of 12P/Pons-Brooks. He argues that there is no other explanation for these changes other than the presence of this massive comet in the skies above Earth. He contends that debris in the comet’s tail contaminated the atmosphere with a chemical known to cause aggressive behavior, and that after little more than a decade, worldwide hostility abruptly abated. He also explores how the appearance of a celestial body that outshone the moon would have been interpreted as a significant religious event--the premier appearance of a powerful new god to supplant the deities previously worshipped around the world.
Graham Phillips is the author of The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant and Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt. He lives in England

ISBN: 9781591430698
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
Published: May 29, 2007

“Graham Phillips argues persuasively that Earth encountered a massive comet 3,500 years ago around the time of the Exodus from Egypt. The object appeared twenty times larger than the full moon and was by far the largest comet sighting ever recorded by ancient historians. The worldwide consequences for mankind were devastating. Our own scientific research confirms that the author’s theory is completely credible.”“In an extraordinary tour de force, Graham Phillips pinpoints a major mystery with important implications for our understanding of the remote past and the origins of ancient religion. Painstakingly researched and soberly presented--but never less than eminently readable--this book provides an answer so explosive that it should instantly ensure itself a place among the great revelations of history.”“This is a very exciting and important book, which suggests a highly plausible reason why organized cruelty seems to have come into the world at a surprisingly late date. I believe Graham Phillips’s ideas are going to cause widespread controversy.”"An intriguing 'must' new age collections will relish.""The theory {Phillips] puts forth in The End of Eden is nothing short of paradigm-shattering, if true.""The material in this work is well-organized. The author's style is very readable and accessible to non-experts. For those wishing to delve deeper into source materials, there are excellent endnotes and a full bibliographpy."“an extraordinary tour de force . . . ”